Alfredo Aceto
Born in 1991, Turin, Italy
Lives and works in Geneva (CH)
Rome International Film School, Rome, IT (2020)
MSA, The Mountain School of Art, Los Angeles, US (2016)
ECAL, École cantonale d´art de Lausanne, Switzerland (2014)
Builders Supply, Lange + Pult, Zurich, CH
Fullo, Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen, DK
Chew, Vin Vin, Vienna, AT
Souvenir Souvenir, Sonnenstube, Lugano, CH
Brains & Bronze, Laurence & Friends, Geneva, CH
My Italian Is a Little Rusty, Lange + Pult, Auvernier, CH
Tiramisù for Two, L’Ascensore, Palermo, IT
Ambaraba Ciccì Coccò, with Denis Savary, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, CH
Cockroack or Queen?, Last Tango, Zurich, CH
Parliament Unlimited, Paris, FR
Laurence & Friends, Geneva, Switzerland
Levy.Delval, Brussels, Belgium
Alfredo Aceto, Galerie Lange + Pult, Zürich, Switzerland
SEQUOIA 07, curated by Samuel Gross, Istituto Svizzero, Milano, Italy
Miart 2019, with Claude Closky and Sylvie Fleury, Levy.Delval, Bruxelles, Belgium
Unreachable Turtles, Lateral Art Space, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Endemisms, Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark
Something between Posthistoria and Prehistoria, curated by Stéphanie Serra, Albert Stiftung Foundation, Pro Helvetia, Associazione Barriera, Turin, Italy
Modesty or Surprise, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese, Rome, ItalY
Everyone stands alone at the heart of the world, pierced by a ray of sunlight, and suddenly it’s evening, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris, France
Refaire le Portrait, Acte #1, curated by Andrea Bellini, Kunsthalle Geneva, Centre D’Art Contemporain, Switzerland
Refaire le Portrait, Acte #2, Kunsthalle Geneva, Centre D’Art Contemporain, Switzerland
HARAM, Frutta Gallery, Rome, Italy
Prophétie et Croque-Monsieurs, Happy Baby Gallery, Crissier, Switzerland
iii-ooo, Blancpain Art Contemporain, with Peter Hutchinson, Geneva, Switzerland
Lullabies for obsessions, curated by Massimo Sgroi, Changing Role Gallery, Rome, Italy
Format à l’italienne, Espace le Carré, Ville de Lille, Lille, France
Jardin d’Hiver, curated by Simon Wursten Marin, MCBA, Lausanne, CH
Transformations, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, CH
Stanza 224, Fondazione Merz, Palermo, IT
12 Rooms, Kunstmuseum, Appenzell, CH
Barbe à Papà, curated by Cédric Fauq, CAPC, Bordeaux, FR
Soft Machines, HUA International, Berlin, DE
Swiss Art Awards, Basel, CH
Neue Arbeiten, by Samuel Haitz, Sangt Hipolyt, Berlin, DE
Print Art Now, Musée Jenisch, Vevey, CH
Eifersucht, Galerie Noah Klink, Berlin, DE
Ensemble au Chateau, Chateau de Nyon, CH
Signatures(X), Smallville, Neuchâtel, CH
Eifersucht, Parliament Unlimited, Paris, FR
Blade-Banner, SPRINT - Independent Publishers and Artists’ Books Salon, Spazio Maiocchi, Milano, IT
The Living Room, curated by Samuel Gross, Artgenève, CH
UPLIFT, Galerie xippas, Geneve, CH
La Totale, Moulin de Sainte Marie, Les Moulins, FR
The Crowning Show, Lange + Pult, Zurich, CH
La métamorphose de l’art imprimé, Zeitgenössische Westschweizer Editionen und serielle Unikate, VFO, Verein für Originalgraphik, Zurich, Switzerland (forthcoming)
Still Life: An Ongoing Story, Galerie Sébastien Bertrand, Geneva, Switzerland
#80|90, Académie de France à Rome, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy
Was erzählt die Romandie?, Häusler Contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland
Big Rip, Bounce, Chill or Crunch?, Last Tango, Zurich, Switzerland
Immersione Libera, curated by Giovanni Paolin, Bagni Misteriosi, Galleria Continua, Milan, Italy
Re-Routing Nature, curated by Irene Campolmi, Sixty-Eight Art Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Talent Prize 2018, curated by Irene Art, La Pelanda, II Mattatoio, Rome, Italy
Performing Identities, curated by Irene Campolmi, Performance Program Code Art Fair, Bella Center, Copenaghen, Denmark
Greffes, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, Germany
Swiss Art Awards, Basel, Switzerland
Greffes, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Lateral Art Space, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Greffes, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space, Venice, Italy
Le Colt est Jeune & Haine, curated by Cédric Fauq, DOC!, Paris, France
As If We Never Said Goodbye, with Nicola Martini and Linnéa Sjöberg, DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin, Germany
X - TEN YEARS IN RENENS, ECAL & Galerie l’elac, Renens, Switzerland
Shivers Only, with Iván Argote, Mohamed Bourouissa, Antoine Donzeaud, Julien Goniche, Angélique
Heidler, Thomas Mailaender, Hubert Marot, and Noki Sutter-Shudo, curated by Hubert Marot, La Paix,Paris, France
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
La Norme Idéale, Levy.Delval, Brussels, Belgium
Terrasse, Silicon Malley, Prilly, Switzerland
Greffes, with Mohamed Namou and Achraf Touloub, Art Club #18, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto,
Académie de France à Rome, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy
Happiness is a Fiat 500, White Cuib, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prix MAIF pour la Sculpture 2017, MAIF Social Club, Paris, France
Premio Moroso, Museo Etnografico, Udine, Italy
Mementos, curated by Piper Marshall and Jens Hoffmann, Art Brussels, Belgium
Solidi Platonici, La Rada, Locarno, Switzerland
General Audition, curated by Samuel Gross and Stéphane Kropf, Galerie l’élac, Renens, Switzerland
The Milky Way, Gio Marconi, Milan, Italy
In Mostra – corpo, gesto, postura, curated by Simone Menegoi, Artissima, Turin, Italy
Mémoires d’été, Art Club #7, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Académie de France à Rome, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy
Kiefer-Hablitze Preis, Swiss Art Awards, Basel, Switzerland
I Would’ve Done Everything For You / Gimme More!, curated by Cedric Fauq, Flat 7, 22 Westland Place, N1 7JR, London, United Kingdom
All the Lights We Cannot See, curated by Anna Hugo and Sandino Scheidegger, Random Institute, Pyongyang, North Korea
Texture and Liquidity, curated by Vincenzo Della Corte, The Workbench International, Milan, Italy
PAZIOLI, Winckelmans, Avenue de la Gare 34, Renens, Switzerland
Death of the Shambls, Silicon Malley, Prilly, Switzerland
Lavorare lavorare lavorare, preferisco il rumore del mare, Kunsthalle Geneva, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Switzerland
Kiefer-Hablitzel Preis, Swiss Art Awards, Basel
L’heure qu’il est, Centre d’Art Contemporain (CACY), Yverdon Les Bains, Switzerland
16e nuit des musées, invited by Simon Paccaud, Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
Club of Matinée Idolz, Co2, Turin, Italy
Junge Schweizer Kunst XI, Kiefer Hablitzel Preis 2015, Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland
The Go-Between, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy
Jump, Art-O-Rama, Gasconade, Marseille, France
World Wide, WALLRISS, Fribourg, Switzerland
One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Peep-Hole, Peep-Hole, Milan, Italy
Sol LeWit Loves Pancakes, ZIP, Basel, Switzerland
ARI MORTIS, curated by Milovan Farronato and Roberto Cuoghi, Museo del 900, Milan, Italy
Open Studio, Fonderia Artistica Battaglia & Istituto Svizzero, Milan, IT
Milano Calling, Istituto Svizzero, Milan, IT
Leenaards Grant, Fondation Leenaards, Lausanne, Switzerland
Swiss Art Awards, Basel, Switzerland (Nominated)
Talent Prize, InsideArt, Rome, Italy
Premio Moroso, Udine, Italy
MAIF, Prix pour la sculpture, Shortlisted, Paris, France
MSA, Mountain School of Art, Los Angeles, California, United States
Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
Centre D’Art Contemporain, Genève, Switzerland
Residency Unlimited (RU), New York City, New York, United States
Full Scale, by Piero Golia, Museo del 900, Milan, Italy
Fontaine, School of, by Lucie Fontaine, Artport, Tel Aviv, Israel
Residency la Malterie, Ville de Lille, Lille, France